Lesson Plan Library: Fine Arts
Some lesson plans include suggestions for adaptations for older or younger audiences.
6-8 kl:
Behind the Scenes NEW!
Careers in Song and Dance NEW!
Careers On Stage and On Air NEW!
Careers in Television NEW!
Careers in Film NEW!
9-12 kl:
Rembrandt: His Life and Times NEW!
Impressionism and Beyond NEW!
20th-Century Painters: Masters of Color NEW!
Modern African Art and Artisans NEW
Uuri lähemalt Viimsi Kooli kohta:
- raamatukogu
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Täname Viimsi kooliraamatukogu juhatajat Aime Miili, kes juhtis meid selle võrguallika manu: "Tore ja lihtne ristsõnade tegemise koht, raamatukogu tundide huvitavamaks tegemiseks..."